You Are Free To Go
John 18:8-9 – (8) “I told you that I Am he,” Jesus said. “And since I am the one you want, let these others go.” (9) He did this to fulfill his own statement: “I did not lose a single one of those you have given me.” (NLT)
The opening verses of today’s devotional show the interaction between Jesus and the Roman soldiers that were sent to arrest him. There were about 600 Roman soldiers and some Temple guards that accompanied Judas for Jesus’ arrest. This is known as the betrayal and arrest of Jesus.
Jesus asked the soldiers who they were looking for and they replied Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered “I Am He”. As Jesus said “I Am he,” they all drew back and fell to the ground! (John 18:6). Jesus asked again who they were looking for and their response was the same but what transpired next is extremely important to the believer in Christ Jesus.
The Lord Jesus entered into a verbal contract with the Roman Soldiers, Temple Guards and by extension, the enemy. The evidence of this contract was captured by the Apostle John. If it is true you are seeking for me Jesus said, you must let my disciples – believers go free. This is the core of Jesus’s substitutionary sacrifice. Jesus was in other words saying if you are going to put sin, sickness, poverty, shame and death on me you must not put the same on those who believe in me. The soldiers and Temple Guards accepted the terms of the contract.
It is therefore illegal for the devil to put sickness, shame, poverty or death on the believer. There is a contractual obligation evidenced by the account of Apostle John that the believers must not suffer the same thing Jesus suffered for them. Child of God, you are free to go! Make no mistakes about it, Satan isn’t planning to keep that agreement but you have the authority to enforce it in the name of Jesus Christ. Remember when Apostle Paul said “For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:” (2 Corinthians 5:14).
By the authority of the Word of God, I refuse to suffer the same thing Jesus suffered on my behalf. I enforce the redemptive benefits of the contractual agreement Jesus entered that bears my name. I have been made free in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Princeton Anyim


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Pastor Princeton Anyim


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