Ten Ways to Stay Ablaze Hot for God’s Presence

Beloved saints, let’s be honest, the enemy loves it when the saints of God “lose the thirst/fire for God” because of a loss of love in their hearts for God. This is his greatest strategy to derail you. Beloved, it’s all downhill after that! Now is a good time to keep our eyes fixed on the prize, whose name is Jesus! He is our reward. The winds of change are upon us, and we need to check that our foundations, windows, and doors are secure and ready for the current conditions, and the storms that are yet to come!

Here are ten ways to stay ablaze focus hot for God:

1. Re-lay Covenantal Foundations with Jesus

It’s a season of trusting the Lord with all that is within us. Everything has been shaken or is going to be shaken, so it’s time to look at the need for solid foundations and submit to the Lordship of Christ. Many are having to re-lay their first-love foundations, as they did not build deeper, more solid foundations in the last seasons to hold them up in this season. Our foundations are built on the truth of the Word of God and our covenantal love with Him through intimate connection to the Holy Spirit. Hot, fiery love looks like endurance through the fires of radical, social shifts and changes. If we burn for Him, we won’t burn out. All of our offenses must be dealt with. True spiritual foundations are based on a radical love that will obey God, regardless of the season. Ask God to help you and decide that nothing can be allowed to rob you of your passion and fire for God. It’s time for a new first-love anointing.

2. Overcome Our “Love Tests” and Spiritual Battles

The “fruit inspector” is Abba Father. In John 15:1, Jesus describes the Father as the “vinedresser”; He comes to inspect our fruit and to see the quality of the fruit. Each fruit requires inspection: our love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). There are two key areas wherein He inspects these fruits: one is the area of our “love tests” with the people in our lives who drive us crazy! The second area is our battle against the demonic spirits that attack us the most. Many mix these two up, but they are two separate battles! Because the battle intensified during the COVID season, we must be so much more careful to stay out of offense. Offense is first a choice in the mind, then it can become our personality. Lastly, it attracts a demonic spirit. It is rampant in this season and will destroy your first-love anointing. Listen, “offendable Bride” are two words that never go together! Remember, it is so hard to stay offended when we choose humility. Ask the Holy Spirit, “What areas of offense am I still carrying? Lord, sign me up for a radical, covenantal love that is completely unoffendable!”

3. Go Through the Gates and Thresholds That God Has for You This Season.

Isaiah 62:10: “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.” The gates speak of our hearts and/or spiritual thresholds that we pass through to mature. As we pass through a threshold or gate, all Hell might come at us. There are many spirits of false accusation that are at work to destroy God’s children. This is why it’s vital that we do not get our eyes off of the prophetic promises of God, regardless of the circumstances! Beloved, it’s time to pass through the gates and stay on course. Don’t get distracted or defeated, but focus on the upgrades He has for you. Here is a good question to always ask the Lord: “Am I maturing through overcoming in this season?”

4. Invest in the Prayer Movement: “My House Shall Be a House of Prayer”

In the past COVID season, there has been such a call to start or continue the great work of the “House of Prayer.” Ultimately, 24/7 prayer is the only way the Bride is going to prepare for what is coming. Holy “midwives,” who are birthing this new move of God, are on fire as they travail and birth His promises for the Body of Christ. Being with them can change you forever. Impartation from Heaven is caught, not taught. I sense the Lord is shouting this next one: We cannot afford to not be committed to weekly prayer meetings anymore. Get with the prayer warriors. No Believer can truly be on fire without being attached, grafted in, and submitted to a local church. This is a biblical mandate and not one we can ignore.  “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)  Radical prayer and worship is the oil that will sustain in this hour. First love is cultivated in the hot soil of the prophetic community, and in the fire of sustained prayer and worship! Ask God, “How can I partner with the prayer movement worldwide, and the local church?”

5. Receive Fresh Intel from Heaven – Not from the World

There is a divine intelligence to be downloaded from Heaven in this hour. Be careful what you are listening to, as information is a key factor in staying on course. We must keep our eyes on the Lord and stay focused on hearing His voice without the bias of news, ideas, or opinions of others. We need the heavenly news. Remember Isaiah 55:8: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways…”.  Listen, even other people’s “prophetic” is not going to sustain you in the hour of fire. You must get your own oil in the “prayer furnace” alone with Jesus. As you do, you will fulfill one of the greatest verses in the Bible – Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Ask the Lord, “Am I hearing all that You have to say to ME in this hour?”

6. Overcome the Spirit of Fear and Intimidation That Manifest as Conspiracies, Accusations, or Lies.

Isaiah 54:14: “In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.” There are many lying spirits and confusing narratives at play; recognize the fruit. There is a unique mental health assignment from the enemy right now for those who drink the “Kool-Aid” of conspiracies, accusations, and lies. Some of them may even hold a bit of truth, but still, don’t focus on them – look beyond to the greater battle.  Turn your eyes on Jesus, not the fear. Ask the Father to show you where fear is hiding in your life. Intimidation is shouting taunts and threats, but we must ignore that. Ask Abba Father, “Lord, teach me to keep the door shut to these spirits.” Rise up and stay firm in the Holy Spirit. The fruit is always courage and peace, and an increase of His incredible presence.

7. Eat the Bread of Fresh Revelation

For those who are hungry, there is much bread. I awoke in my dream smelling fresh bread though no one in my house is baking bread. I believe this was a prophetic sign that there is so much fresh revelation that is truly satisfying to the lovers of God. Don’t get distracted. A “big one” right now, for most people, is learning when to be silent and when to speak; don’t mix up the two. Let your eyes be filled with a fresh understanding that the Lord of the Harvest has a fresh revelation for you in this hour. Eat the bread of revelation, beloved. Get it for yourself – not from a book or website. Press in for the fresh bread of Heaven.  Let’s pray over one another from Ephesians 1:17-18 – “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.”

8. Get Healed from Past Wounds, Traumas, Shocks, and Betrayals

God is highlighting all kinds of things in our lives so that we can fly higher. Soul ties, codependency, and trauma in particular are being targeted by God so that we can get free!  Remember the verse in Matthew 15:18: “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.” It’s not the world, only, that defiles us. It is our own unclean areas that can defile us. Therefore, we have a godly responsibility to clean it all up. Ask God, “What areas of defilement are You highlighting for me to repent of, turn away from, and be cleansed of in this season?”

9. Pick Up Your Assignments

There are new prayer assignments in this season – new ministry assignments too, and let’s not forget what Jesus told us in Mark 12:31: “…Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Ask Him, “Abba Father, what assignments do I need to complete in this season?”

10. Prepare Yourself for the Greatest of Days Ahead

Matthew 24:6: “You will hear of wars and revolutions on every side, with more rumors of wars to come. Don’t panic or give in to your fears, for the breaking apart of the world’s systems is destined to happen. But it won’t yet be the end; it will still be unfolding.” Beloved, it’s a season to sign on for not only a lifestyle of surrender, but a true biblical understanding of sustainable revival as the glory increases for you personally! This must be our goal. “JOHN 17” GLORY IS COMING AND WILL INCREASE AS THE BRIDE SAYS “YES” TO THE BRIDEGROOM.

In conclusion, if you are a front line worker for the Kingdom of God, you must remember that in this season of extreme sowing there WILL BE A REWARD! The harvest is coming, and your labor is not in vain. Get ready!

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