I keep hearing the words “Still Waters” and I can see a vast and very still river. I feel such a holy stirring in my spirit as God brings me to this place. The Lord then spoke, “Listen to what I have to say beside the still waters!”

Such revelation then began to flow over me. Now is not the time to despair or let go of any prophetic word of promise God has spoken over you. Taking hold of it is essential in this season for many will come to fruition. You may not feel it or see it, but you wave it before him as a banner of victory for it is a promise he has made to you. When God told the Israelites to go in and possess the land, they took a step back and surveyed that situation. The giants were too big and they were too small. They ignored the word of victory already given to them beforehand. The blessing on that word was gone as their hearts became rebellious before the Lord.

And yet there is a NOW word for us to go and possess that which is ours. Take hold of it! All your promises have been stored up in a reservoir. I then heard the voice of the Lord say, “Come and sit by the still waters with me. It is a refreshing time for my Beloved! Eye has not seen nor ear has heard what I am about to do for my chosen Remnant. They shall see great and mighty things! They will see satan fall like lightning over and over again each time he tries to prevail over them. They will pull his Kingdom down! It is the time of possessing the promises for My Remnant Ones!”

See him now as he takes your hand in his and leads you beside the still waters. A place of such deep and abiding peace. The storm may be raging, but he is filling your soul with rest. He sees you waving that banner of promise. Take hold of it and let nothing rob you of this moment.

I feel so strongly that God is removing your cup of bitter waters you have had to drink for so long. He is causing a turnaround for you in a situation that you desperately need him to move.  I am speaking to several and know this word is for you. Even as the Lord led Moses and the children of Israel from their bondage at the Red Sea, it still took one step of faith.

Mary T Santos


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