Beloved child, have you been wrought with anguish and worry lately?  If so, hear this word from Abba Father today, in which He not only gives comfort and help, but even a sample prayer for worry that you can pray from His own heart.  

Heard Abba Father says: “I will take care of you. I see your needs right now. I know how much you have been worrying, and My heart is full of concern for you. But, My beloved child, I am not concerned in the same way that you are. I am concerned for you because I love you so much and I am teaching you, and I want you to walk free of worry and pain. But the way for you to be free from worry is not for Me just to solve all your problems instantly; the way to be free from worry is for you to learn to TRUST ME.

 I know you trust Me some, but you do not yet trust Me in the way that you need to trust Me. We have been through a lot together and I am well-pleased with you. But, that doesn’t mean that you are perfect yet, or that you are perfectly conformed to the image of My Son Jesus yet. I am thrilled with you and delighted with you because you exist; because you are Mine; and because the life of My Son Jesus is in you.

 Nevertheless, My dear and darling child, we have so much more to do together. You need to grow and I need to help you–and I will help you. You are mature enough to understand that you need to grow and grow and grow. It is a measure of your maturity that you can admit that you need help! You don’t have to worry about it, though, in the way that you have been. You have been worrying yourself to death and have literally brought sickness into your body by your worrying! You do not need to do that, beloved.

Do you not know that I am here, and that I am with you to keep you and comfort you?  Every time you are tempted to worry from now on, I want you to run to Me. Don’t just ask Me for help with the things you have been worrying about; you have been doing that, and I am helping, but you already know how to do that. The thing you don’t know how to do yet is to confess your temptation to worry to Me right away, as soon as you feel that spirit of worry come after you. You have been looking at the problem then worrying about it–and then praying about it. But what I want to teach you today is that worry is both a spirit and a sin. And when the temptation to worry is brought to you by the spirit of worry, come directly to Me and tell Me about it.

 When you come to Me about your worries, pray this short sample prayer for worry:  “Abba Father God, I feel worry coming over me about this situation. Your Word says I should not worry; Your Word says to take no thought for tomorrow, for sufficient for each day is the trouble thereof. Your Word says to consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither toil nor reap, and yet You feed them, Heavenly Abba Father. Thank You for feeding me and clothing me every day. Thank You for perfecting all things that concern me every day. I confess that I am tempted to worry, but I reject this sin right now and I repent for ever picking it up. Please forgive me if I did pick it up in any way. I confess Your truth that as Jesus is, so am I in this world; and just as You take care of the sparrows and the lilies in the field, so You will also take care of me. Thank You, Abba Father. In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ I pray, amen.’”

 Abba Father continued saying: 

“When you worry, you deprive yourself of faith and expectation. By setting your eyes on the problem, you begin to expect the negative thing to happen; you expect more of the negative thing. This is why I commanded you to keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith.” When you keep your eyes on My Son Jesus, you will see:

1. My Son whose blood provides everything for you;

2. My Son whose breath sustains you;

3. My Son whose love is always yours;

4. My Son whom I gave for you, and who is a Reflection of Myself.

When I gave My Son for you, I was giving Myself for I and My Son are One. Every bit of love you saw in My Son while He was on earth–and still see in Him through My Word and through experience in knowing Him personally–is My love for you also. Every word of hope and comfort He spoke to you came directly from Me, for We are One and We cannot speak apart from One another.

You do not yet know the vastness of My love for you, but you will.

Getting to know My love is a journey, but we are on this journey together. I am in you, for Jesus is in you, and I am in My Son Jesus. I delight to live within you also, for you are My beloved. It is not a trial for Me to abide in you as you also abide in My Son Jesus, for when I look at you, all I see is Jesus. You are truly in Him; and although you are but a baby, you are My baby and My delight. 

You do not yet know My Father-heart as you should, but you will. When you know Me as I am, you will see Me as I am. I see your cries and your anguish. I see your desperate need, and I know you better than you could ever know yourself. And the more you get to know Me, the more you will know Me as your Father, and your cries and anguish will dim and extinguish in the joy of My presence. Be at peace today, little one. Receive My comfort, for I am with you; I am in you; I am for you.

Love, your Heavenly Abba Father who is in you right now.” 

O’ Wow. Thank You, Abba Father.


Pray this prayer with me as we respond to this prophetic word about worry together: “Abba Father God, thank You for this word. Thank You for speaking directly to my heart. Thank You for speaking to me about all that concerns me, and thank You for walking with me and never abandoning me as You teach me and grow me. Please forgive me for worrying, Father. Help me to rest in You and trust You like I should. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Pastor Jacob Adotey


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