Abba Father reveals today: “I WILL NOT PUT YOU TO SHAME!”

“I want you to be a doer of the work, but a doer of the REST too.

You will be surprised how much work you can get done when you enter a place of rest, stay there, and decide that resting in Me is your first priority. I know about the many things you deal with; I understand them all. But when you enter into My rest first thing every morning in your thought life, in your attitude, and in the physical peace of your body, you will be able to handle all the things life throws at you with grace, dignity, and aplomb. You have been seeking many things, but only one thing is needful: to abide in Me; to dwell in Me and in My love.

I will give you wisdom to navigate this day and all others as you ask Me for wisdom. Everything you can imagine that life throws at you will turn out all right. You are going to be okay! If you will rest in Me, you yourself will know that. My rest brings peace and calm; rest helps you trust Me in everything, despite the circumstances. O’ My beloved child, I desire to give you rest today. Will you receive it? Simply come to Me and receive rest. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I will help you as you lean on Me, releasing all that concerns you into My hands.

I know this is hard for you to do, but I will teach you IF you ask for My help.If you rebel and kick against My goads when I am trying to get you to rest, then I cannot help you learn to rest. But if you will humble yourself before Me, bringing even your insufficiency in all areas, including your insufficiency in resting to Me, being humble enough to receive My help, then you will find that My grace is sufficient for you. My strength will always be made perfect in your weakness! I am with you today to keep you, and to perfect ALL that concerns you. Yes, I know about the things you are dealing with today. Your struggles are top-most in My mind. Does that comfort you? It should, for only I know how I will work it out for your good–but know that I WILL provide, and I will keep and perfect all that which concerns you. You are doing well to trust Me, for I am trustworthy. I have always been faithful to you, and I always will be. Feed on My faithfulness today. Remind yourself of how faithful I have always been to you, and you will not be disappointed or put to shame.

Love, Your Abba Father.”

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