Beloved, do you need restoration and healing in your life, this prophetic word is for you. Be encouraged; the Lord is shaking Heaven for you RIGHT NOW! Heard Abba Father says: “I am shaking Heaven for you!” And He continued: “I have seen you all these years; every day of your life and since eternity past, My eye has been on you. I knew you and saw you and created your life long before you were born, and My eye has been on you the whole time. I know everything you have ever been through–both those things which were My plans and the things which were done to you by people operating in this sinful world’s system. I do not endorse or condone what sin and evil thinking have perpetuated against your life; I hate it, in fact. I hate sin and every byproduct of it.

But I will tell you that I am restoring your life. I am shaking Heaven for you right now. Many of the things you never thought could happen for you ARE in fact going to happen to you in this season, for I am with you to restore you. I am with you to say, “RESTORE!” And what I have spoken, I will bring to pass.

I am restoring the years the locusts have eaten even now. I am with you to comfort you and keep you, and a big part of My comfort in this season is going to be actual restoration of things and events you should have had in the past, but did not have. I am giving back everything that was stolen, and indeed I am forcing the devil to restore it sevenfold, for he is the one who stole from you.

I am indeed your Sheriff in town, and I am going out to heal, save, and deliver your life. I am not going to put up with the devil messing with you any longer. Your time has come; the balances have tipped; the scales have weighed out in your favor. Your prayers and your faithfulness have exceeded the attack against you, and your faith has finally risen to the point where it meets Mine–where you will no longer tolerate injustice, but instead you believe Me to bring forth wealth, riches, and prosperity for you in every way.

For so long, you have not believed Me for better. You thought that the things that were happening to you were just things you had to put up with. You tolerated less and you did it with a pure heart. The revelation was not there about the level of blessing in which you are called to walk. You thought the blessings were for others, but not for you. And you did not press in to Me for more; you put up with your lot in life, without desiring to bring it up to the level where I am. 

But I tell you now that I have changed your revelation. I have put people around you who challenged you to come up higher. I have put people in your path who “poked the bear” of poverty thinking in your life; who made you realize what you were embracing, even without meaning to. And I have provided for you to be in the path of those who will be catalysts of your faith; who will join with you and pray the prayer of agreement for your restoration. I have also opened My Word up to you in a new way. You were so beaten down before, but I gave you space and time to heal your heart and refresh your spirit. I was done with you in the old place, for I could no longer tolerate the works of the enemy against you. I had to sever your relationship with the old so I could bring in the new.

I tell you right now that I am going out as a mighty warrior before you and shaking Heaven on your behalf. You are My offspring; My beloved child. You are the apple of My eye. And now that I have got you to agree with Me for your restoration, I will be moving quickly. 

You and I are going places together, and where we are going is UP. I am listening to every cry of your fast, and I am saying “YES!” to you. I am moving in the daytime and in the night; in the darkness and in the light; in your work and in your rest. I am moving! I am coming with a great and mighty thunder; I am moving with a roar; I have wrapped Myself with the light of your revelation and your prayers, and I will not be content until the restoration of all things has come.

Look for things to happen which you do not need and were not brave enough to want, but which will happen just because I want to bless you. I have released dreams on earth which will result in your restoration. I am arming My Kingdom agents and angels with the weapons of mass restoration. Restoration is coming to you; it is now; it is even at your door!

My heart gasps and pants over you with heavenly ardor. You are My beloved child, and My heart is for you. I am on your side; I am moving; I will not rest or relent until I see you established, prosperous, and wealthy in thought, word, deed, and manifestation. You cannot imagine the blessings I have in store for you; yes, this is for you as well as for others.

RECEIVE and look to Me at this time! I am your Abba Father; there is none other. I am your God; My glory rests upon you. I am with you to heal and restore your life. I have spoken it, and I guarantee you BY MY WORD that I will make it good.


Your Abba Father.”

Thank You, Abba Father.

Beloved saints, let’s give thanks for this word about how God is shaking Heaven for you: “Dear Heavenly Abba Father, thank You for this word from Your heart. Thank You for healing and restoring my life. Please help me cling to You and receive ALL that You have in store for me in this season. Abba Father, I ask also that You would use me as Your Kingdom agent of restoration. You are shaking Heaven, and I don’t want to miss out. Please use me as Your hands and feet on the earth in every way that it is possible to do so. Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You for healing and restoring my life, and thank You for using me also to heal and restore others’ lives. I give You all the glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

Pastor Jacob Adotey


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