Quiet the noise, O’ Lord. Calm the seas of adversity that rise up against us. Cause all the wars within us to cease. The conflict of sorrow in faith. Those things we wrestle with, within our own souls; in our reasoning, in our attempts to figure things out, in our efforts to ‘fix’ what we feel is broken, in ourselves, in others, in our Nations.
 So much noise, LORD, clamoring for our focus, our energy, our resources. In a world that is screaming to take so much more from us than we have as humans to give, help us to stay our minds on You, God Elohim. Fill us up, Holy Spirit.
 Silence the screens of information that overload us 24/7. Help us LORD, to focus on the news that matters, Your Word. Help us Lord, to desire You, Your Presence, more than anything or anyone else. All is so harried in life. We work to survive and buy ‘more stuff’… yet we don’t take time to enjoy and give thanks to You for all the gifts You bestow on us and all around us, in every moment of every day.
Yes, there is much work to be done to take ground from the enemy, to storm the gates of hell and take back all that’s been stolen. Nonetheless, we cannot possibly do a thing without Your power in and through us, nor with empty tanks. We run on fumes Lord, we run to the things of this world. We advertise ‘stuff’ as avenues to connect with each other, to connect with You.
The ‘stuff’ becomes idols as we cannot seem to get enough. We look to a shiny object, a pretty package, an appealing jingle tagged with something to purchase. We seldom look up from our screens to have an actual eye contact with another human. We are so filled with wasteful information and glamorous things, that there is very little to NO time for all that matters, that is genuinely valuable, lasting and of great quality and impacting, for good. We need each other.
We need You, LORD. Time with you, fasting from the things of this world, will give us more time than we could ever ask, need, or imagine. For better is one day in Your courts, better is one day in Your House than thousands elsewhere.
 My brothers and sisters in Christ, please, get still before the LORD. Put down the things of this world and put the LORD first. As we draw near to the LORD, He will draw near to us. Look each other in the eye, have an actual conversation with each other. Listen and hear the heart of others. Engage in relationship, genuine care for each other. The LORD cares for us. We are to care for each other. Bear each other’s burdens. The things of this world will never satisfy. They will only leave you wanting more, and in regret, IF your heart doesn’t become too hard to even care. As we seek quality time with each other, after spending time with the LORD and putting Him first.
God will stretch our time, resources and energy. Lord, help us to stop running from you and instead, to run to You. Clarity will come and we shall have more than enough. You are a multiplier, LORD. Help us to grasp what we really have the greatest need of, YOU. All of our choices will then stem from THE Truth, You LORD, once we put You first. Our decisions, once we are grounded in You, LORD, will be clear easy. Even those that seemed impossible to make.
Help us to remember, O’Lord, help us to remember we are family, we are Your family, LORD and You are our Father. I love you Lord. I am so sorry and deeply grieved that we have lost sight of the Truth, chasing after what will never satiate, heal, restore or provide for us. Only YOU, Lord, only You. Please forgive us, Lord. I pray we all make the decision to return home to You, Lord, even now. In Jesus Holy Name I pray, amen.
 Scripture references: Matthew 5:6, 6:9-13, 6:19-33 Romans 8:5 John 15:5, 6:27 Exodus 20: 1-3 James 4:4-8 Isaiah 42:8


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